Orthopaedic pain therapy
Orthopaedic pain therapy
Treating the causes of chronic and acute pain
Many people suffer from injuries, pain and, in some cases, severe restrictions of the musculoskeletal system. These patients can be helped if the therapy is tailored to their needs. Whether unfavorable lever ratios, imbalances, vitamin D deficiency, incorrect foot statics or an unhealthy diet – we use cause-related diagnostics to find out what is going wrong in the overall system of body, mind and soul. The first step on your path to more vitality, strength and a new life.
Less pain, more quality of life!
At Dr. Ulrich Frohberger’s Z.O.R. as your orthopaedist in Münster, we have a broad repertoire of conventional, alternative and holistic treatment options for the treatment of acute and chronic pain – from acupuncture and autologous blood treatments to infiltrations with local anaesthetics and anti-inflammatory drugs. The options for treating pain range from psychological and physiotherapeutic procedures to mild painkillers and strong, opioid-containing medication.
Orthopaedic pain – acute and chronic
But what exactly is orthopaedic pain? Basically, pain signals to us that something is wrong in our body. Acute pain in particular has a clear protective and warning function and informs us of internal or external damage. As soon as we eliminate the causes of this disorder, the pain also disappears.
As a rule, pain reliably shows us the region in which it originates and thus provides clues as to its possible cause. In many cases, however, the region of the body in which the symptoms occur has little or nothing to do with the area in which the pain actually originated. Or the pain occurs in a location far removed from where it originated, making it difficult to discover its true cause.
Acute pain
A classic example of this is acute lumbar spine syndrome. This involves a sudden stabbing pain in the lower back – also known as “lumbago”. It is usually triggered by a harmless movement during sport or in everyday life. Even simple movements such as bending down, turning or straightening up can trigger lumbar spine syndrome. As soon as the blockage is released, the pain usually disappears completely. In the acute pain phase, we will of course try to relieve your pain as quickly as possible.
Chronic pain
Chronic pain, on the other hand, usually requires a so-called multimodal therapy approach – as well as an almost detective-like sense of what its true causes are. Chronic, long-standing pain is often almost overlaid with countless findings and diagnoses as well as countless attempts at therapy, none of which have led to the goal of freedom from pain. At Z.O.R., we take a lot of time to analyze these findings and search for the causes with a fresh perspective and, above all, a holistic approach.
Only an exact, cause-oriented diagnosis can provide us with information about the actual cause of your pain. Once we know the exact cause of the pain, we can find the right treatment for you.
Painkillers for pain – not always the drug of choice
If your head or knee hurts or your back is aching again, it’s easy to reach for a painkiller. Medications with active ingredients such as acetylsalicylic acid (ASA), paracetamol or ibuprofen are available over the counter from pharmacies. Such painkillers have long since become an everyday companion for many people. Twelve painkillers alone are among the 20 best-selling medicines in German pharmacies. Around 105 million packs are sold over the counter every year, many of which are taken without medical advice.
Painkillers cause pain
However, this does not mean that they are harmless: If the supposed helpers are taken too often or in too high a dosage, they can themselves cause chronic pain and have serious side effects. Even if it sounds paradoxical, painkillers can themselves cause pain. A chronic, so-called drug-induced headache develops. As a result, increasingly frequent intake of ever higher doses is required to combat pain.
It is not yet fully understood how this vicious cycle comes about. Presumably, the active ingredients influence the metabolism in the brain in such a way that the pain threshold decreases and the sensation of pain increases.
Painkillers with undesirable side effects
In addition, not every medication is suitable for every patient. Over-the-counter painkillers should also be used with caution. The active ingredient paracetamol, for example, belongs to the group of drugs associated with a toxic effect on the mitochondria – which are the power plants of cells and organs – and often cause liver damage. Paracetamol is one of the world’s best-selling painkillers. At the same time, poisoning with paracetamol is one of the most common causes of acute liver failure in the USA. There are over 100,000 cases of overdose and up to 500 deaths per year as a result of paracetamol poisoning.
Overcome pain & get back into movement
Thanks to our multimodal, holistic and regenerative treatment concepts, we are often able to successfully treat even chronic pain patients – and then get them moving again. In our analyses, we test patients with physical complaints in a targeted manner and under controlled conditions. We show them a quick and uncomplicated way to return to pain-free movement.
- Intensive, holistic 4D movement analysis with static (stance) and dynamic (gait) scan for foot, pelvis and spine incl. balance measurement
- Isometric maximum strength measurement
- Holistic mobility screening
- Evaluation and discussion of the results Creation of a training plan
- Unilateral jump measurement
- Balance and stability measurement
The aim of pain therapy at Z.O.R. am Roggenmarkt
Finally pain-free, flexible and powerful again – scientifically sound, cause-oriented and permanently effective without medication.
Book your appointment now at Z.O.R. am Roggenmarkt online or by calling
on 0251 603-23 or 20251 603-24.