Salutogenesis Münster
Salutogenesis Münster
Medicine with the aim of bringing about and maintaining health
Salutogenesis – from the disease system to the healthcare system
Today’s world is characterized by a constantly growing number of chronically ill people. The predominant medical thinking and action here is focused on the pathogenesis of the diseases. As the causes of chronic diseases are still largely unclear or unknown in almost all cases, it is often not the diseases themselves that are treated, but their consequences and symptoms.
This situation involves constantly rising healthcare costs (healthcare would be more accurate) without clearly recognizable improvements in public health. At the same time, this problem leads to an increasing financial deficit and, as a result, to a lack of medical care for large sections of the population.
We can only improve this situation by shifting the focus of treatment options towards stabilizing health. The terms “illness” and “health” are not to be understood as opposites, but as different degrees of stress and performance.
At Z.O.R. am Roggenmarkt in Münster, our most important task is to provide
concepts for developing, maintaining or restoring health. Because only healthy people can enjoy a successful life and achieve a stable high level of performance into old age.
What does salutogenesis mean in Münster?
At Z.O.R – Dr. Ulrich Frohberger’s Center for Orthopaedics and Regenerative Medicine in the Hetzen district of Münster – we consistently follow the concept of salutogenesis. We take up the challenge of helping people to stay healthy despite individual internal and external risk factors and to actively support their health. Unlike conventional medicine, we do not focus solely on the path out of illness (pathogenesis), but go one step further by aiming to prevent illness – long before symptoms develop.

Salutogenesis & prevention!
Salutogenesis is not a snapshot, but should be understood as an individual process. Salutogenesis therefore requires a deep understanding of the individual. As a doctor, Dr. Frohberger is particularly challenged here to look deeply and to understand you as a patient in your entirety and on all levels of your existence as precisely as possible. This is the only way to develop individual salutogenesis concepts for the process of developing and maintaining your health.
Through salutogenesis in Münster, we would like to help you as our patients not only in the event of illness. Rather, we aim to take preventative action, uncover your personal risks at an early stage using the latest DNA and blood analyses, strengthen your self-healing powers and immune system accordingly, support your body’s regulatory mechanisms and control systems and compensate for imbalances.
Stress, environmental toxins, stressful life situations – we can’t always avoid the things that make us ill. However, the more resilient you are on a physical and mental level, the less life’s challenges can affect you. You probably know those people who very rarely fall ill and who can’t seem to be affected by any flu virus – even though they do an enormous amount. Others, however, are knocked out by even the smallest infection and react to their everyday life with chronic exhaustion and tiredness.
Salutogenesis makes them more resilient. You stay healthier, biologically younger, more attractive and more vital for longer. The best prerequisites for facing life in all its varieties upright, full of strength and joy.
If you eat an unhealthy diet, you are doing enormous damage to your health – and to your prospects of a vital, fit old age. However, knowing this is not the problem. According to a recent study by the World Cancer Research Fund, for example, many Britons simply lack the motivation (38%) or feel too tired (35%) to maintain a healthy diet and lifestyle.
An attitude that many Germans certainly share, and which most of them sooner or later pay for with their lives. Civilization diseases are almost always the result of poor nutrition and lack of exercise coupled with stress, tiredness and exhaustion. It’s time for us all to campaign for better nutrition and a “species-appropriate” lifestyle. A more conscious approach to food, sustainable agriculture and environmental protection are simply indispensable for stable health!
Being as fit as a 40-year-old at 60?
Not an issue. The medicine of the future could already give us a life expectancy of 120 years today. Our most important task as doctors is to provide you with interventions to develop, maintain or restore your health. Because only healthy people can live a successful life and achieve a stable high level of performance into old age.