Services at a glance

Between high-tech and the art of healing

Services – Regenerative orthopaedics & sports medicine

If you get enough exercise
, eat a healthy diet
and do sport,
you can
maintain your youthful appearance
and vitality
into old age

Our comprehensive range of services as an orthopaedist in Münster has only one goal: to keep your body healthy, strong and fit into old age. To achieve this, we focus on holistic prevention, cause-oriented diagnostics and individual therapies. We work with qualified staff in an interdisciplinary team. All employees regularly take part in specific further training courses. We treat according to the latest state of research and science – and with a great deal of experience.

In doing so, we always look beyond the boundaries of orthopaedics. After all, knees, muscles and tendons or even the spine should never be viewed in isolation. With every treatment, we always focus on one thing: the whole person!

Discover our holistic diagnostics and therapy options!

Preventive & rehabilitative diagnostics

Effective therapies begin with a full body analysis

The latest technology and constantly advancing scientific knowledge about the structure of the human body and its functions make it possible for us at Z.O.R. am Roggenmarkt to analyze your body precisely. With the help of a so-called bio-impedance analysis (BIA) at a scientific level, we can quickly and precisely obtain information about your body and your general nutritional status. The BIA measures your:

– Fat mass
– body cell mass
– muscle mass
– and total body water

Whole body analysis

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Your orthopaedist in Münster – with an eye for the big picture

At Z.O.R. Münster, as your orthopaedist in Münster, we focus primarily on the problems of the musculoskeletal system and thus on the bones, joints, muscles and tendons of our patients. However, in order to provide you with first-class, cause-oriented advice and treatment, it is important to gain as comprehensive an impression as possible of your physical condition.

Health check – orthopaedic & internal medicine

The holistic health check at Z.O.R. in Münster begins with a detailed medical history and an assessment of your internal and orthopaedic complaints. This is followed by a discussion of your sporting activities and occupational stress. The subsequent thorough functional whole-body examination helps us to identify any functional disorders, imbalances and deviations from the norm.

Following an individually tailored diagnostic program, you will receive your results and precise therapy recommendations based on them. If necessary, we expand our own medical services by consulting with specialized specialists from all disciplines.

Don’t leave your health to chance. We create clarity for full performance!

3D/4D spine measurement

Spinal measurement in 3D and 4D is a modern high-tech procedure for examining complaints in the spine as well as in the shoulder and hip area. Using the analysis data obtained in high-resolution 3D/4D graphics, we can precisely determine and document changes and rotations in the spine and then treat them in a targeted manner. The procedure is completely non-contact and painless, and is therefore also recommended for children and pregnant women. It is ideal for monitoring the progress of spinal disorders and postural damage in children, adolescents and adults in order to precisely coordinate the respective therapies.

The 3D or 4D spine measurement at our Center for Orthopaedics and Individual Medicine – the Z.O.R. Münster – combines video measurement technology with modern data processing. This allows us to measure the position and shape of the spine and vertebrae with millimeter precision.

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Long-term diagnosis of back pain

The most important prerequisite for the successful treatment of back pain is the targeted identification of the cause. As your orthopaedist in Münster, we at Z.O.R. am Roggenmarkt use the latest technology to analyze movement sequences and muscle activity. As part of long-term diagnostics, we are able to precisely identify problems such as movement asymmetries or incorrect loading.

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Recognizing and treating arch weaknesses

A healthy foot is characterized by a well-defined longitudinal and transverse arch. It forms the foundation of perfectly balanced statics throughout the body. If the muscles of the foot are not able to maintain this arch, this is known as a weak arch, or also as bowed, flat and/or splayfoot. This is a phenomenon that often occurs in children and adolescents. Weak arches cause the body’s statics to lose their healthy center – which can sooner or later lead to knee and back problems, for example.

Individual therapies

The earlier such an arch weakness is diagnosed and treated, the better the sometimes drastic consequences can be avoided. We carry out a computer-controlled foot pressure analysis to accurately diagnose arch weakness. This enables the exact representation of the foot pressure curve during walking. We use this procedure for the optimal, individual and function-oriented development of foot orthoses.

Whole-body coordination – how high is your risk of falling?

When osteoporosis and an increased risk of falling come together, bone fractures are inevitable. Even events that would not normally result in a fracture pose a high risk of bone injury for osteoporosis patients. In this situation, it is equally important for us, as your Münster orthopaedist, and for you as a patient to know how high your risk of falling really is. A neuromuscular functional analysis provides us with information about how safe you are on your feet.

Danger recognized. Danger averted!

Based on these examination results, we can develop a special physiotherapy training program for you: to increase the strength and performance of certain muscle groups and to build up the core muscles. We use apparatus-based muscle-building training to improve your balance and body coordination, thereby reducing your risk of falling.

Isokinetic muscle function diagnostics and therapy

We use the latest generation of isokinetic muscle function systems to test the current condition of your muscles. In this way, we can precisely determine muscular deficits in all major joints such as the shoulder, hip, knee and ankle joints – and treat them accordingly. After evaluation, we develop an individual training therapy for you.

This is particularly important in the follow-up treatment of injuries and operations on the knee joint, shoulder joint, hip joint, elbow and wrist or ankle joint. We also use isokinetic performance tests in competitive and high-performance sport to analyze muscular performance.

Valuable findings through advanced laboratory diagnostics

Targeted laboratory tests of the blood and urine can provide valuable insights into the causes of complaints and illnesses. This is why we at Z.O.R. – your center for orthopaedics and individual medicine in Münster – use appropriate laboratory tests if necessary. However, we are not satisfied with the conventional standard values of a “large or small blood count”, but look at special blood values – guided by an individual initial medical history.

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MRI Münster – painless and risk-free

Magnetic resonance imaging or magnetic resonance therapy (MRI) is one of the most modern diagnostic methods. It is an imaging procedure that can be used to visualize the structures and functions of tissue and organs. It uses strong magnetic fields and radio waves to generate high-resolution cross-sectional images of the body in any plane.

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Manual diagnostics in the orthopaedic practice

Many patients are familiar with this. They come to the orthopaedic surgeon and before they’ve even made a decision, they’re already having an MRI. Yet good old “manual diagnostics” can provide us with valuable information that equipment cannot – and is often underestimated in practice. An orthopaedic examination using manual diagnostics is used to examine the joints, muscles, tendons and nerves, among other things.

Manual diagnostics is therefore a form of functional diagnostics in which Dr. Ulrich Frohberger – your orthopaedist in Münster – uses his hands to look for functional disorders, muscle tension, temperature differences and vegetative reactions in your body.

See with your hands
The sensitive sense of touch of an experienced doctor’s hands can even detect disorders that cannot be detected using technical methods such as X-rays or ultrasound. We would even go so far: An experienced orthopaedic surgeon can see with his hands.

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Electromyography – EMG for short – is a method that allows us to measure electrical muscle activity and display it graphically and precisely. With our state-of-the-art EMG system, tense or weakened muscle areas and functional deficits can be recorded with maximum precision.

EMG – Muscles and joints in interaction

Increasing the level of tension in the muscles is initially a sensible process with a static or protective objective. However, prolonged activation can lead to chronic tension and even the vicious circle of pain – muscle tension – pain. The role of muscular tension can only be understood if the musculature is understood in its direct connection with the associated joint.

The musculature causes or prevents movement. Muscular disorders are caused by any irritation of the joints. Blockages, excessive mobility and static incorrect loading lead to irritation of the fine nerve fibers. There is also direct irritation of nerve roots, e.g. as a result of a slipped disc.

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Health is measurable

Minerals such as copper, iron, selenium and zinc, as well as vitamins and trace elements, are the building blocks of health. We use spectrophotometry to check how well your body system is supplied with them!

Analysis of mineral supply, heavy metal contamination, etc.
We use a modern spectrometer to scan the skin of your hand for the measurement. At four points. The measurement result gives us initial measurements of the 20 most important minerals and trace elements, heavy metal load or oxidative stress in your body. If necessary, we can then support this information with laboratory diagnostics and blood tests.

The spectrometer is a helpful extension of diagnostics for the initial determination of the mineral content in body tissue and, in particular, heavy metal contamination as a possible cause of impaired performance. Based on the data obtained in this way, the causes of diffuse symptoms can be better understood. Once the causes have been identified, effective countermeasures can be introduced.

For more efficient therapy concepts!


Orthopaedics & Acupuncture Münster

Acupuncture is a method of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). It harmonizes disease-causing disturbances in the body’s own energy flow. TCM is mainly used to treat disturbed functions and pain. In the western world, acupuncture is the best-known healing method of Chinese medicine and is most commonly used in this country.

In its three thousand year history, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) has developed a variety of therapeutic methods for the treatment of acute and chronic illnesses. Due to its high effectiveness and its different understanding of illness, it is a valuable addition to our Western medicine at the Z.O.R. am Roggenmarkt.

Where do we use acupuncture?

Acupuncture can be performed on almost all patients with pain and/or swelling. Before acupuncture is carried out, there is always a detailed medical history and consultation, during which Dr. Ulrich Frohberger – your orthopaedist in Münster – will work with you to find out whether acupuncture is possible and useful for you.

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Relieve pain with biofeedback Münster

Biofeedback is a scientifically recognized method of so-called behavioural medicine. The biofeedback method is based on the recording of certain physical signals that are displayed visually or acoustically.

Biofeedback Dr. Frohberger

By visualizing the physical states and processes that normally occur unconsciously, you as the patient learn how to influence them. Shoulder/neck pain and other complaints in particular can often be successfully alleviated with biofeedback.

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Cryotherapy Münster – the cold shock against inflammation and swelling

Cryotherapy (cold therapy) is excellent for treating various ailments and illnesses. In cryotherapy at Z.O.R. am Roggenmarkt in Münster, we use the difference in temperature between the body and its surroundings to cool it down in certain areas. In this way, cryotherapy helps to reduce inflammation and swelling.

Cryotherapy can be used, for example, for painful muscle hardening, rheumatism, activated osteoarthritis and bursitis – and can make a significant contribution to improving the speed of healing and quality of life.

Cryotherapy has the following effects:

  • Reduction in blood circulation:
    Locally applied cryotherapy causes superficial vessels to contract. If the cold is applied for longer, vessels in deeper tissue layers also contract. This reduces the blood supply, which also reduces the retention of fluid (formation of oedema).
  • Inhibition of inflammation:
    Longer-term cryotherapy of one to two hours not only reduces blood circulation, but also dampens metabolic and inflammatory processes.
  • Pain relief:
    With increasing cooling, the tissue becomes less and less sensitive to pain – the subjective sensation of pain is reduced. If the skin has a temperature of 15 °C, it is completely pain-free.
  • Change in muscle tension (muscle tone):
    Although muscle tension increases briefly in the first few seconds of cryotherapy, it gradually decreases after 15 to 20 minutes of exposure. This can help to reduce pain.

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The iDU system – the innovative procedure from the USA now also in Münster

In order to always offer our patients the most advanced treatment, we have integrated the pioneering iDU system into our range of therapies. This state-of-the-art method of spinal decompression is a safe, effective and, above all, non-surgical therapy that we use for herniated discs and compression-related complaints of the lumbar and cervical spine.

In the USA, spinal decompression has already established itself as an excellent method. More and more doctors around the world are using similar procedures to provide their patients with optimized treatment. With the introduction of the iDU system, Dr. Frohberger is pursuing the clear goal of reducing the need for surgical interventions and sustainably improving the quality of life of those affected.

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IHHT (interval hypoxia-hyperoxia training) is a special oxygen training method that has been used for many years, particularly by professional athletes, to increase performance. At Z.O.R you can use the simulated altitude training of professional athletes for yourself while sitting – and benefit from it.

IHHT Stress Medicine Münster

A breathing mask is used to alternately supply you with low-oxygen and oxygen-rich air. The fluctuating oxygen content puts the mitochondria under particular stress, which damaged and outdated mitochondria cannot withstand. They die and make room for healthy, strong mitochondria. With amazingly positive effects on the whole organism.

IHHT is suitable for a broad target group. In particular, people with chronic illnesses, lack of energy, exhaustion or long Covid syndromes can benefit greatly from the therapy  . Also for stress-related illnessesIHHT can be a valuable support. It not only improves physical fitness, but can also help to increase mental resilience.

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Infiltration for back pain

Infiltration refers to an injection – i.e. a syringe – that reaches into deep layers of tissue. Infiltration for severe back pain caused by a pinched nerve, a blockage, poor posture or a herniated disc, for example, is a gentle, minimally invasive procedure. During an infiltration for back pain, Dr. Ulrich Frohberger – as your orthopaedic surgeon in Münster – injects a special cocktail of anti-inflammatory and/or pain-relieving medication exactly where the pain is located. This often allows patients to regain mobility and freedom from pain.

Infiltration for back pain

How does an infiltration work?

The vertebral joints are the joints through which the vertebral bodies are interlocked. Misalignments and loosening within the ligaments and capsules of the spine, as well as progressive wear and tear, can lead to irritation of these joints, which manifests itself in back pain and alternating pain radiations.

Back pain can be relieved quickly and effectively by injecting a local anaesthetic directly into these small vertebral joints and rinsing them. The very low doses of cortisone that are usually added also reduce the inflammatory swelling of the capsule. The infiltration is not excessively painful, as we also use a local anaesthetic.

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Isokinetic training – a new generation of computer-assisted therapy

At Dr. Ulrich Frohberger’s orthopaedic practice, we are always on the lookout for new, outstanding diagnostic and therapeutic procedures for our patients. The isokinetic system we use represents a new generation of testing and training devices. It provides us with valid and reliable data on our patients’ thigh muscles in the shortest possible time. Muscular deficits and imbalances, which are often the cause of injuries, can be reliably identified and simultaneously corrected with the isokinetic system.

How does isokinetic training work?

Isokinetic training is based on the realization that our muscles cannot exert the same force at every angle of our joints. In contrast to conventional training methods, the weight used in isokinetic training is variable and changes depending on the joint angle. The training is computer-assisted at a constant speed, with simultaneous feedback of measurement parameters such as range of motion, torque, power and acceleration. The intensity is therefore always in relation to the force you can exert in the respective joint position. Isokinetic training equipment has a water-like characteristic: the faster you perform the movement, the greater the resistance.

Isokinetic training for back pain
People with chronic back pain often tend to “self-prescribe” rest and little exercise. The protective posture is intended to help avoid pain. As a result, general fitness suffers, the muscles become weaker and the spine more unstable. A vicious circle of muscle weakness, constant pain and often painkillers begins. Now targeted training can help.

Isokinetic training is a very good therapeutic option for rebuilding functional spinal capacity. We concentrate on the thigh muscles. As part of the diagonal whole-body muscle chains, they play a key role in stabilizing the trunk and spine.

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Effective for osteoarthritis & co.

Almost everyone over the age of 65, but also many younger people and athletes, are affected by signs of joint wear and tear. Parts of the cartilage wear out and the synovial fluid decreases. Both parts lose the ability to bind water and thus lose elasticity. The main symptoms are pain in the affected joints. Targeted injections of hyaluronic acid into the affected joints can significantly reduce discomfort.

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MBST Therapy

MBST® magnetic resonance therapy works on the same principle as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), which is used in diagnostics. The procedure was developed with the aim of activating the body’s own cell metabolism in order to enable the regeneration of defective cartilage or bone tissue. No external intervention in the body takes place during treatment.

MBST® core spin resonance therapy can be used on the condition of a comprehensive medical diagnosis for the following complaints:
Osteoarthritis (joint wear)* in

  • hip and knee joints,
  • Shoulder and elbow joints,
  • Foot and ankle joints,
  • the small vertebral joints,
  • and polyarthrosis.

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Relieve sore muscles with Kinesio tape

Slipped discs, osteoarthritis and tennis elbow are painful. Treatment usually takes a long time. Kinesio tape helps to relieve and stabilize painful muscles without restricting freedom of movement. Kinesio tapes are a genuine and, above all, drug-free alternative in pain therapy.

Classic areas of application for Kinesio Tape

  • Headaches: migraine, tension headache, trigeminal neuralgia
  • muscular tinnitus
  • Back pain: cervical spine, thoracic spine, lumbar spine syndrome, lumboischialgia, sciatica, lumbago, slipped disc, scoliosis
  • Pain with osteoporosis
  • Joint pain: tennis elbow, golfer’s elbow, impingement syndrome, saddle joint arthrosis, knee arthrosis, joint distortions
  • Knee problems:
    Overloading the knee joint, after patellar dislocation, after a cruciate ligament tear, torn or ruptured medial collateral ligament, postoperatively, after meniscus surgery, after reconstruction of the cruciate ligament
  • Muscular pain syndromes:
    Muscle cramps, muscle strain, fibromyalgia, rheumatic diseases, torn muscle fibers, achillodynia
  • Heel spur
  • etc.

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Pneumatic pulsation therapy and cupping

Pneumatic pulsation therapy is a tried-and-tested, gentle treatment method. It enhances the effect of conventional cupping through its individually adjustable oscillation technique and can be used in a variety of ways, especially in the orthopaedic field.

Similar to cupping, pneumatic pulsation therapy stimulates the movement of all tissue fluids. Tissues and muscles are sucked in with gentle pressure and also made to vibrate. The rhythmic alternation of suction and release activates the cells and the body’s natural regulatory mechanisms. In particular, cupping increases the flow rate of the blood and lymph. The metabolic waste products and environmental pollutants accumulated in the tissue are thoroughly dissolved and passed on to the detoxification and excretory organs.

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Sensorimotor insoles – the active alternative

Sensorimotor orthopaedic insoles bring the entire musculoskeletal system back into balance. Many complaints from head to toe can be improved as a result – right up to freedom from pain. Many complaints and pains in the ankle, knee and hip joints as well as the spine result from a malformation of the arch of the foot. Targeted diagnostics using computer-controlled foot pressure analysis and professional insole fitting ensure an optimization of the rolling process and a reduction in the effects of incorrect loading.

We can also offer special care with so-called sensorimotor insoles. They are designed to activate neuromuscular coordination and certain muscle groups and effectively supplement existing or necessary conventional insoles.

Passive insoles weaken foot muscles
Weak arches in the foot with the resulting incorrect loading of the ankle, knee, hip and vertebral joints have been treated for years with passively effective Plexidur or cork leather insoles. In this way, the progression of age-atypical wear and tear changes could initially be significantly limited. However, the passive supportive effect of the insoles increasingly leads to reduced innervation of the muscles that stabilize the feet. In the long term, this results in the development of a muscle-deficient flat foot. In many patients, it can be seen that a significant weakness in neuromuscular coordination is apparently promoted by wearing passive foot orthoses alone, among other things.

Activating sensorimotor insoles that strengthen the arch of the foot have a completely different effect.

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Shock wave therapy – effective for calcific shoulder, heel spur & tennis elbow

Orthopaedic common ailments such as calcific shoulder, heel spur and tennis elbow make life difficult for those affected. The extreme pain can last for weeks or months and severely restrict movement. It is little consolation to realize that these incorrect and overuse injuries usually heal themselves over time.

Conventional medicine mainly offers painkillers, cortisone, ointments and physiotherapy. If these measures do not help, surgery is often advised. Shock wave therapy can help here.

What are shock waves?
In physical terms, shock waves are high-energy sound waves that are coupled into the diseased tissue via the skin surface and propagate in a circular or focused manner. In medicine, they are generated electromagnetically. Depending on the dosage, shock waves can break up kidney stones or “only” irritate diseased tissue and thus stimulate blood circulation and cell metabolism. This makes it possible not only to repair damaged tissue, but also to achieve regeneration.

What happens during shock wave therapy?
The working principle of shock wave therapy is quickly explained: the sound impulse is directed precisely into the body tissue and focused with pinpoint accuracy. Shockwave therapy works by irritating diseased tissue and thus stimulating more complex processes (e.g. blood circulation and cell metabolism in the tissue). The tissue treated with shock wave therapy reacts with increased metabolic activity, which stimulates or accelerates healing processes.

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Underwater pressure jet massage

This gentle, pleasant and effective application offers many advantages and combines the positive effects of various forms of physical therapy. It can be used effectively for a range of functional disorders of the musculoskeletal system and symptoms, including muscular fatigue.

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Focal points

Integrative, regenerative orthopaedics

Integrative, regenerative orthopaedics

Pain therapy

Pain therapy

Men's health

Men's health

Sports medicine

Sports medicine

Prevention in orthopaedics

Prevention in orthopaedics

Regenerative medicine

Regenerative medicine

Stress medicine

Stress medicine

Osteoporosis Competence Center

Osteoporosis Competence Center

Gender medicine

Gender medicine

Physiotherapy & muscle building

Physiotherapy & muscle building

Pediatric orthopedist Münster

Pediatric orthopedist Münster

Workplace consulting

Workplace consulting

Book your appointment now at Z.O.R. am Roggenmarkt online or by calling
on 0251 603-23 or 20251 603-24.