Stress medicine

Stress medicine

What triggers stress?

Originally, stress is a reaction pattern of the body that has developed over the course of evolution. We assess a situation as dangerous and hormones are released in our body within milliseconds. The short definition of stress is: “Stress is what stresses you out.” When this impulse sets in, our organism mobilizes and prepares the body to fight or flee. The body does not distinguish whether a sabre-toothed tiger is standing in front of us, whether we are stuck in a traffic jam or whether the customer is complaining. As soon as we perceive a situation as stressful, the same mechanism that has been running in our bodies for thousands of years sets us on alert.

Constant stress makes you ill

However, stress is far more than just a lifestyle phenomenon. Stress is increasingly becoming a medical problem. If stress persists, it can lead to a wide range of physical and psychological symptoms and plunge people into existential crises. The WHO has reacted to this and recognized burnout as a disease. Burnout is now officially considered a syndrome due to “chronic stress at work that is not successfully managed”. However, stress can also become a success factor. If you deal with it correctly.
Modern stress medicine offers us exciting approaches.

The consequences of constant stress

– Decreasing ability to relax
– Diabetes
– Overweight
– Shifted day/night rhythm with sleep disorders
– Overwork
– Burnout
– Metabolic diseases
– Cardiovascular diseases
– Shift in hormonal balance
– Increased cortisol levels
– Exhaustion
– Lack of drive
– Migraines
– Declining libido etc.

We use modern stress medicine to strengthen your personal protective shield against stress. Add to this mindfulness exercises, a healthy diet and consistent stress reduction, and the sabre-toothed tiger can come.

Effective stress prevention for people & companies

An enormous workload, complex challenges, combined with high speed, a lot of personal commitment and a clear desire to succeed – many people have no effective strategies for coping with daily stress. Even a regular jog to “air out” the mind and a slim figure are no guarantee that the body will not suffer massively from constant stress.

How to stand up to constant stress

This is how stress prevention works

Individual diagnostics

Individual diagnostics

Medical history and identification of individual stress factors
Laboratory diagnostics
HRV measurement

Individual prevention & therapy

Individual prevention & therapy

Micronutrients orally or as an infusion
Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy
Intestinal cleansing

Diagnostics in stress medicine

Anything but standard

Everything is based on careful individual diagnostics. A detailed medical history and a special stress test provide us with information on how high your actual stress levels are. The next step is to determine how the stress load is already affecting your body. To do this, we compare the actual state of various parameters with an optimal target state. Laboratory diagnostics tailored to your individual needs (hormone profile, neurostress, cortisone, intestinal check) provide us with information on this. For some people, we also recommend genetic testing to identify hidden risk factors.

What your blood tells us

You have probably already had a small or large blood count done. You quickly hear: everything is fine. What is all right is simply within the normal values of “average misery”. At the Z.O.R. in Münster, we contrast these “normal” values with powerful vital signs. They are the goal we want to achieve for performance-oriented people. In addition, each person reacts individually to values that are too high or too low. In addition to the detailed findings, your state of health is therefore an important point of reference for the therapy.

Stress – Therapy & Prevention

At Z.O.R. – the Center for Orthopaedics and Regenerative Medicine run by Dr. Ulrich Frohberger in Münster – we support your body to regain its self-regulation based on precise laboratory diagnostics. For example, we use vital substance infusions, natural hormone therapy with no side effects or specific breathing training for the mitochondria. These are the power plants of your cells. If they are working well, you will feel full of energy again and, at most, well occupied, but by no means stressed.

Together, we will develop your sense of your symptoms. In a personal consultation, Dr. Ulrich Frohberger – your orthopaedist in Münster – will show you exactly what your risk factors are, where preventive measures are recommended and where therapeutic action is already required in the context of stress medicine. We do not tell you how to live. We would much rather help you to deal with stress better!

For whom does stress prevention make sense?

  • Entrepreneurs, managers & executives
  • People with a high workload and
    frequent business trips with time differences

Book your appointment now at Z.O.R. am Roggenmarkt online or by calling
on 0251 603-23 or 20251 603-24.