Common ailment herniated disc

Your specialist for herniated discs

Slipped disc – when the system calls for help!

The functional and regulatory mechanisms of our human being and our body system are highly complex. Pain – as the deepest form of expression that something is wrong in the system – is also the cause. Only a holistic view of the human being as a whole can provide us with information about what can help.

Almost one in three adults suffers from back pain frequently or constantly. If the back hurts, a herniated disc is quickly suspected. Too quickly, as your orthopaedist in Münster knows. This is because around 200,000 operations are carried out in Germany every year due to a slipped disc. There are innovative holistic approaches to counteract this common ailment.

At Z.O.R. am Roggenmarkt, our motto is: We treat people, not findings.
That’s why we take a particularly close look when diagnosing the cause of a slipped disc – and not just at the picture!

Slipped disc explained simply

Even though it is often diagnosed as such, a slipped disc is much less often the cause of back problems than one might think. That’s why a quick call for disc surgery is rarely the right approach.

Systemic inflammatory influences that can lead to back pain are often completely ignored. These include metabolic disorders such as gout and diabetes mellitus, diet-related increased abdominal fat as a risk factor for “secret inflammation”, but also deficiencies in important vitamins and hormones that affect the body’s ability to fight local inflammation.

Purely physical therapies or a quick operation for a slipped disc are outdated!

Multimodal therapies for herniated discs

Recognize physical & psychological causes

It is not enough to treat a slipped disc as a purely physical phenomenon. At least not if we want to solve the problem in the long term and you don’t want to end up with another slipped disc in a few months’ time. A slipped disc does not necessarily mean an operation either! Conservative therapy and minimally invasive treatment methods are often more promising and far less invasive in the case of a slipped disc.

We also take into account the patient’s environment and life situation in order to identify the underlying causes that can lead to back problems.

Back pain is never caused by a single factor alone – physical and psychological factors complement each other.

Multimodal treatment approach

At Z.O.R. am Roggenmarkt, we treat back pain and a slipped disc with so-called multimodal therapies. A multimodal treatment program combines various treatment methods. In this way, we pursue the causes that have led to our patients’ complaints on a highly individual basis. This can include infiltration therapy as well as acupuncture or regenerative physiotherapy, physiotherapy and medical training therapy or isokinetic training.

Diet & lifestyle change

A change in diet and lifestyle can also point the way forward, which we are happy to actively and supportively accompany. Sometimes we also need to ensure that the body is supplied with the right amount of vital substances or hormones. Oestrogen in particular plays an important role in the development of chronic degenerative diseases – such as slipped discs.

In Dr. Ulrich Frohberger – your orthopaedic surgeon in Münster – as the former long-standing national chairman of the Association of German Back Schools (BdR. e.V.), you will find your highly competent contact person on the subject of therapy, rehabilitation and prevention of a slipped disc.

“In my opinion, building trust and eliminating fear, pessimism and hopelessness are the key prerequisites for any promising therapy for people with chronic illnesses.”

Dr. med. Ulrich Frohberger

More Articles on the subject of back pain by Dr. Frohberger you can read here

Finally free from back pain!
Don’t put up with back pain. Book your appointment now at Z.O.R. am Roggenmarkt online or by phone on 0251 603-23 or 20251 603-24.