Interval hypoxia-hyperoxia therapy (IHHT) is an innovative method that is becoming increasingly important in regenerative and functional medicine. At the Z.O.R. – Center for Regenerative Orthopaedics – at Roggenmarkt, Dr. Ulrich Frohberger, an orthopaedic surgeon in Münster, uses the latest IHHT technology to promote the health of our patients and improve their quality of life. In addition to treating acute and chronic complaints, the aim is always to prolong and extend the healthy, energetic lifespan of the people who come to us!

What does IHHT therapy mean?

IHHT therapy is a procedure in which the effects of altitude training are simulated. Top athletes have long used training at extreme altitudes to improve their performance. This is because the oxygen content of the air decreases at high altitudes. The body enters a state of hypoxia and has to develop its ability to use oxygen more efficiently. This means that it pushes the metabolism and increases cellular energy production.

Today we know that therapeutically applied intermittent hypoxia can lead to a variety of positive, health-promoting physiological adaptations (LINK). This response can even be enhanced if the low-oxygen hypoxia phase is alternated with an oxygen-rich recovery phase. IHHT therapy (intermittent hypoxia-hyperoxia training) was developed on the basis of these findings. The alternation of these different oxygen levels has proven to be particularly effective in stimulating mitochondrial biogenesis and mitophagy (formation and breakdown of mitochondria).

IHHT – more energy through simulated altitude training while seated

IHHT therapy is a procedure in which the effects of altitude training are simulated. Top athletes have long used training at extreme altitudes to improve their performance. This is because the oxygen content of the air decreases at altitudes above 3,000 meters. The body enters a state of hypoxia. This is understood to mean a reduced supply of oxygen to the organism. The consequence: the entire system must now expand its ability to use oxygen more efficiently. This means that the body pushes the metabolism and increases cellular energy production.

We use precisely these interactions for IHHT. With the help of a state-of-the-art IHHT device, we create a controlled state in which phases of low-oxygen breathing air (hypoxia) alternate with phases of oxygen-rich breathing air (hyperoxia) via a breathing mask. Your body is trained for maximum performance – and in a relaxed manner while sitting or lying down. The alternating load simulates conditions that you would experience at high altitudes or under special training conditions. This form of training can specifically influence the body’s physiological reactions.

The training not only promotes oxygen uptake, but also stimulates the production and activation of mitochondria – the power plants of the cells – which are necessary for cell regeneration. The use of IHHT therapy can be beneficial for athletes who want to improve their performance, as well as for people affected by chronic illnesses or fatigue syndromes. IHHT is therefore a versatile form of therapy with a wide range of applications.

IHHT has the potential to significantly increase your well-being and sustainably improve your quality of life.

IHHT Therapy Münster Dr. Frohberger

Nobel Prize-worthy foundations of IHHT

Research into the diverse reactions of our cells to targeted altitude training, hypoxia training, was awarded the Nobel Prize for Medicine in 2019. Researchers discovered what also proves the above-average health and fitness of people who live permanently at altitudes of 1,800 meters or more: Above all, the mitochondria are significantly optimized by IHHT therapy and their performance is strengthened.

IHHT and its effect on the mitochondria

The mitochondria are the “power plants” of our cells and are crucial for energy production. Their task is to supply the cells with sufficient quantities of the molecule adenosine triphosphate (ATP). This ATP forms the chemical basis for all reactions and metabolic processes in your body. However, the mitochondria are damaged and disrupted by the natural ageing process, stress, time pressure, lack of exercise or too little sleep. They increasingly lose their ability to produce ATP effectively.

The result: there is an increasing lack of energy in your system – in the muscles, organs and also in the brain. You can feel this lack of energy in a decline in vitality and a drop in physical and mental performance. Chronic or degenerative diseases are also associated with the lack of energy in our cells, i.e. with the performance of our mitochondria.

Interval hypoxia-hyperoxia training provides a targeted stimulus that leads to the accelerated proliferation of new and healthy mitochondria. At the same time, we support the process of selectively breaking down damaged and weakened mitochondria. Disruptions in the antioxidant metabolism are eliminated and free radicals are regulated to a physiological level.

IHHT Individual mitochondrial medicine

IHHT therapy procedure

A typical IHHT session lasts around 60 minutes. First, you are connected to a special device that regulates the oxygen content in the air you breathe. The change between hypoxia and hyperoxia takes place at intervals of around five to ten minutes. These phases are designed in such a way that your body is challenged without being overloaded. A typical treatment cycle consists of at least 10-12 sessions, which we carry out for you over a period of weeks in a wonderfully relaxed atmosphere.

The individual sessions are well tolerated and require no special preparation. You can relax in a comfortable reclining chair during your IHHT. This also makes IHHT attractive for people who may have concerns about physical strain.

IHHT for Long Covid

One of the latest applications of IHHT is in long Covid patients. Many sufferers continue to suffer from persistent symptoms such as fatigue, breathing difficulties and concentration problems. IHHT can help here by improving oxygen utilization and stimulating mitochondrial function.

A study suggests that IHHT could enhance athletic performance while improving heart and lung function, heart health and exercise tolerance in patients with heart failure (a condition in which the heart does not pump enough blood). Some early studies on IHHT have also shown promising results in patients with long COVID. For example, some data indicate that IHHT could improve the functional capacity and quality of life of long-COVID patients. Functional capacity in this context means a person’s ability to perform tasks and activities in their daily life.

IHHT can also support the immune system and reduce inflammatory processes in the body. Through the targeted alternation between hypoxic and hyperoxic phases, affected patients can experience a noticeable improvement in their quality of life. The therapy can therefore be a valuable approach in the treatment of Long Covid.

IHHT for exhaustion and chronic fatigue

Exhaustion and chronic fatigue are widespread and can have a significant impact on daily life. IHHT offers a promising treatment option for people suffering from these symptoms. By improving cellular energy and supporting the mitochondria, sufferers can experience a significant improvement in their symptoms. The therapy promotes blood circulation and metabolism, which leads to increased vitality.

IHHT Therapy Münster Dr. Frohberger

More life energy. More joy!

Experience shows that our patients with chronic fatigue regain energy more quickly and experience an improved quality of life thanks to IHHT therapy. It is important that the therapy is integrated into a comprehensive treatment concept in order to achieve the best results. Regular IHHT applications can help to alleviate symptoms in the long term and improve the quality of life of those affected.

IHHT therapy – put on the mask, breathe – benefit

  • Against long Covid & post Covid symptoms (fatigue)
  • For exhaustion & tiredness – even after long periods of pain
  • To increase performance | Peak performance in sport
  • For the treatment of impaired fat metabolism
  • Slimming & weight loss support
  • IHHT has a positive effect on physical and mental performance
  • Training and regeneration of the mitochondria with increased production of ATP (cell energy)
  • to strengthen the immune system
  • Optimization of the
  • Balancing the autonomic nervous system
  • Improving the ability to concentrate
  • Increased protection against oxidative stress and improved stress resilience
  • Increases blood circulation and supports the cardiovascular system
  • Shorter recovery time after injuries


IHHT alternates between hypoxic and hyperoxic conditions to increase the body’s ability to adapt.

As a rule, at least 10-12 sessions over a few weeks are recommended. Please contact us for discounted package prices.  

Among other things, the therapy can increase performance and cell energy, promote regeneration and reduce inflammatory processes.

Cell training is suitable for many people, especially athletes and people with chronic illnesses, but medical advice is necessary.

In addition to IHHT, there are numerous other ways to strengthen the mitochondria. Regular exercise is essential. Endurance sports promote the formation of mitochondria. The right diet also plays a major role. Foods that are rich in antioxidants help to reduce oxidative stress. In addition, healthy fats, such as omega-3 fatty acids, are important for mitochondrial function.

Another aspect is stress management. Stress has negative effects on the mitochondria. Relaxation techniques, such as yoga or meditation, can have a supportive effect here.

Strengthen your physical and mental performance. The simulated altitude training in the Z.O.R. at the Roggenmarkt in Münster is gentle and non-invasive. In the course of IHHT therapy, the number of healthy mitochondria can increase accordingly. Sitting or lying down.