More and more people are getting older in many countries. Life expectancy in years is increasing, but the time of our lives that we spend in illness is also increasing! This is the Qaly score (Quality Adjusted Life Years), which defines how much time we spend in illness or health. This score is used, among other things, to measure and compare the results of medical services. Many therapies practiced today – often with medication – perform poorly.
It’s best to stay healthy!
Actively supporting your health through a healthy lifestyle and diet – ideally starting in childhood – gives you a much better chance of living a long, productive and healthy life! It offers the opportunity to maintain stable health despite various stress factors. There are regions of the world that are populated by particularly old and happy people. These can be found in Sardinia, Okinawa, Costa Rica and Ikaria in Greece – all not very far from our civilization. What do these people in the so-called Blue Zones – areas of the world with the highest number of people over 100 years old – have over us?

Blue Zone – Longevity zones
One striking feature of the blues zones is the difference in diet: in Okinawa, for example, it is sweet potatoes with a low glycemic index; in Sardinia it is lots of seasonal fruit and local vegetables, with plenty of regional fish Omega-3 index of > 10, natural organic animal husbandry, conscious eating, little alcohol, coffee and tea… Moderation in eating also seems to be important. In Japan they say: only fill your stomach to 80 percent – don’t eat beyond your hunger. Our way of life also distinguishes us from the Blue Zones: sufficient sleep, not only at night, but also a midday nap are socially integrated.
Sleep not only makes you beautiful but also slim!
During sleep, we not only eat nothing, but the body also regenerates psychologically, neurologically and physically. If we eat dinner as early as possible, the phase until breakfast is longer. It leads to at least 12 hours of fasting, which causes the body to undergo autophagocytosis, the natural process of cell renewal, cleansing and regeneration, especially for the benefit of the nervous system. Last but not least, the continued participation of older people in social life – professional, family and cultural – with the resulting continued social respect is life-prolonging. Overall, these people in the Blue Zones produce more happiness hormones and fewer stress hormones. They consume significantly more micronutrients, omega-3 fatty acids, antioxidants, essential amino acids and minerals, among other things. Why shouldn’t we be able to do this?
What does the longevity concept mean?
It is possible to extend a healthy lifespan and thus quality of life in old age:
- Prevention: Prevention of avoidable damage
- Diagnostics: Detecting unfavorable developments as early as possible using innovative biomarkers that accelerate the inflammatory process and thus the aging process.
- Therapy: Compensation of deficits and healing of resulting damage, as far as possible.
- Regeneration: Restoration of biochemical and physiological processes that stabilize health and end silent inflammation.

From contract and repair medicine to regenerative medicine
Salutogenesis points the way from contract and repair medicine to regenerative medicine – individual health-oriented therapy concepts after individual analysis! These include
- Reduce abdominal fat, which surrounds the internal organs as well as the digestive system and contains pathogenic hormones that cause, among other things, a non-alcoholic fatty liver and the associated silent inflammation.
. - Take food intolerances seriously, because in the long term they trigger a “leaky gut syndrome” with the consequence of limited absorption capacity for minerals and secondary plant substances as well as being the cause of polyarthritic symptoms.
. - Reduce stress in the family or with colleagues at work. When the body is mentally overloaded, it releases more of the hormone cortisol. It makes you hungry and slows down your metabolism. Constant stress makes you fat – those affected know it, they simply don’t lose weight. With a consistent change in diet, belly fat can be reduced quickly.
. - Sugar and processed carbohydrates in white bread, cornflakes, rice and pasta as well as sugary drinks should be avoided as far as possible, not fat in the diet! Healthy and tasty alternatives, if grown regionally and consumed seasonally, are vegetables, protein in the form of pulses such as beans and lentils, non-fat dairy products, lean meat from free-range, organically reared animals and wholemeal breads. In contrast to the white flour variety, these keep you full for much longer thanks to the numerous fibers they contain. At the same time, they are rich in minerals, secondary plant substances, etc.
. - Avoid saturated fatty acids as major promoters of premature systemic vascular calcification, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes mellitus, etc. We find them in whole milk, cheese, cream, red meat, fried foods, ready-made products and sausages as well as in sunflower oil. Chips, cookies and vegan convenience foods contain a disproportionate amount of omega-6 fatty acids, such as linoleic and panthothenic acid, but our civilized world has been deficient in omega-3 fatty acids ever since regional fish raised in healthy waters were no longer on our menu, unlike in previous centuries. There is no alternative to the daily intake of marine omega-3 fatty acids, which are produced in a healthy way, i.e. free of heavy metals and chemicals, in order to normalize muscle metabolism, the body’s ability to inhibit inflammation, the stability of heart function and, last but not least, the development of dementia.
. - In addition, regular intake of vitamin C not only supports the immune system, but also promotes fat burning via the growth hormone HGH.
. - Noradrenaline produced in the adrenal glands also supports the breakdown of fat, another hormone that is dependent on sufficient vitamin C. A fresh grapefruit in the morning, kiwis or even oranges and lemons are suitable sources.
. - Fill up on vitamin D3: Researchers at the University of Minnesota have now discovered that people with a lot of vitamin B3 in their bodies tend to have less belly fat. As well as boosting the metabolism, it also stimulates cell renewal and the immune system, which provides an energy boost. Not to mention the great importance of vitamin D3 for the bone system.
Find a doctor of regenerative medicine who will look for the causes of health disorders, reduced performance and even diseases, detect avoidable misbehavior and malnutrition using scientifically reliable biochemical measurements and functional physiological measurement methods – and derive a targeted individual therapeutic concept from this.
People pray to the gods for their health.
Too often they don’t think about the fact that it is in their own power to preserve it.
DEMOKRIT is one of the greatest philosophers of ancient Greece – 460 BC † 371 BC.