Press article
Press article Orthopaedist Münster
“Regenerative orthopaedics – the alternative to pain: the central role of mitochondria”
Knowledge about the prevention of osteoarthritis and pain syndromes has been steadily increasing for years within the various scientific fields. But do doctors consistently apply this knowledge outside of scientific symposia for the prevention and later also the treatment of their patients? Are they paying sufficient attention to the concept of salutogenesis developed by the WHO, the OECD and the EU?
“Z.O.R. – Dr. Ulrich Frohberger and the secret of salutogenesis”
Why not go to the doctor and get the same cozy feeling as when you enter a modern hotel lobby with a fireplace? If you’re looking for a promising health concept, you can do so at the Roggenmarkt in the gabled house of the Buschmann family of entrepreneurs in Münster.
“Osteoporosis as a disease of civilization”
In Germany, an estimated 5.2 million women and 1.1 million men aged 50 and over currently suffer from the limitations and consequences of osteoporosis and its associated diseases. Despite its prevalence, osteoporosis is still often overlooked and under-treated. Read more about this in the latest article by Dr. Ulrich Frohberger.
“Three-page report in the WN on the occasion of the opening of the Z.O.R. practice”
The Westfälische Nachrichten newspaper took our practice opening as an opportunity to report in detail about Z.O.R. in its issue of February 5/6, 2022. The focus: our approach to regenerative medicine to improve quality of life and support the body’s own ability to regenerate through cause-oriented diagnostics and therapies.
“Non-specific back pain – the dangers of inadequate diagnostics”
There can be many reasons for low back pain. This raises the question of whether a comprehensive treatment strategy is required when treating low back pain. In other words, a strategy that aims to eliminate the various causes …
“Back pain as a comprehensive medical challenge”
More and more people are overworked, stressed, eat an unhealthy diet, put on weight and notice how their performance is steadily declining. This development is often accompanied by chronic complaints and pain. A vicious circle begins and even the smallest demands eventually become a major burden.
“From the disease system to the healthcare system”
A plea for regenerative medicine. Today’s world is characterized by a growing number of chronically ill people. The predominant medical thinking and action here is focused on the pathogenesis of the diseases. Since the causes of chronic diseases are largely unknown in almost all cases, it is often not the diseases themselves that are treated, but their consequences and symptoms – believe Dr. Ulrich Frohberger and Professor Dr. Jörg Spitz. Both are involved in the Academy for Human Medicine.
“Causes, diagnostics and therapy”
SPECIALIST ARTICLE DR. FROHBERGER ON THE TOPIC OF ARTHROSIS: Read the article in the Sportärztezeitung now
“More than just the team doctor”
SC Münster 08 and Münster-based physician Dr. Ulrich Frohberger broke new ground from 2016 to 2019: Imagine the following: You’re a footballer at SC Münster 08, you’re feeling lively and the team doctor checks you over as if you’ve torn all your ligaments at the same time …
“Swelling as a result of tissue inflammation”
In the case of a fresh sports injury, the fastest possible “cold shock therapy”, e.g. with carbon dioxide gas, is particularly important to avoid unnecessary swelling and subsequent tissue inflammation.
“Osteoarthritis of the knee joint – not a fate, but preventable”
Over the past two decades, the number of golfers has increased sevenfold, and more than half of them are over 50 years old. Do you occasionally or regularly feel your knee joints? Are your knee joints sensitive to the weather or do you have difficulty getting going in the morning? What health risks do you accept? How can they be prevented?
“Back handicap – the golfer’s sore spot”
The “golfing pain patient” is a special species! Long-standing, often morning back pain is trivialized and, contrary to medical knowledge, perceived as “normal” due to age. It is happily registered that even with additional knee pain, taking a well-known anti-rheumatic drug makes the upcoming tournaments possible. However, this pain is a symptom of avoidable dysfunction resulting in irreversible damage!
“Pain while playing golf? A check-up is good for you!”
The most common golf-specific complaints are those of the feet, knee joints, spine, shoulders, elbows and wrists. That’s all there really is to it… These complaints, whether in young people or adults, are initially indications of dysfunction, and later of damage…
“Barefoot through Münster”
When Clemens Hartmann is out and about, he wants to feel where. At the moment, his bare feet are feeling the rough, cold asphalt. It’s dusk, but the path by the Aasee lake is still busy. A jogger notices Hartmann’s bare feet: “He goes barefoot, it’s always summer,” he comments as he runs past. (…) Walking barefoot is by far the healthiest thing you can do,” says Dr. Ulrich Frohberger, orthopaedist and sports physician from Münster.
“Pain during tennis? A check-up is good for you!”
MS Smash: The most common tennis-specific complaints are those of the upper extremities (shoulders, elbow joints and wrists) with 31%, the trunk (spine) with 26% and the lower extremities (hips, knees, shins, feet) with 43%! These complaints, whether in adolescents or adults, are initially indications of functional disorders, but more serious damage can follow later. A check-up can prevent this.
“Six sports drawers”
Wochenschau Spezial: Not everyone can do every type of sport. Before you lace up your jogging shoes and run in the next Münster Marathon, you should have a medical check-up. We asked sports physician Dr. Ulrich Frohberger who should do which sport under which circumstances.
“No sport without a health check – fit and healthy in the second half of life”
Top Health Forum: A person’s life expectancy also depends on their attitude towards life and ageing. Studies show that those who perceive old age as a fulfilling phase of life and think positively about older people live longer than those who only expect negative things from the future. The orthopaedist and sports physician develops concepts for his patients based on the individual examination results, with which health and “youth” can be stabilized and extended.
“Healthy in the 2nd half of life: from health checks to sport”
Everyone can do something for their own health in the second half of life – Dr. Frohbeger’s practice in Münster offers optimal sports medicine and orthopaedic support.
“Your back is back on its feet so quickly – the neuro-orthopaedic specialists at Herz-Jesu-Krankenhaus work hand in hand – competently and efficiently, from diagnosis to rehabilitation.”
Slipped disc – you’ve heard it so often, and suddenly you’ve got it yourself. “It’s best if I refer you to Herz-Jesu-Krankenhaus,” says orthopaedic specialist Dr. Ulrich Frohberger. But that doesn’t mean that surgery is performed straight away. After taking a thorough medical history, Frohberger determined that intensive conservative treatment with injections and physiotherapy would have a good chance of alleviating the symptoms in this case. Continuity of treatment is maintained here, as the patient and Dr. Frohberger see each other again in hospital.
“The spine between the teeth and the foot”
The interdisciplinary medical event “The spine between teeth and foot”, led by Dr. Ulrich Frohberger, Munich, revealed surprising connections between tense masticatory muscles and slipped discs. In particular, Dr. Frohberger presented the excellent collaboration in the treatment of craniomandibular dysfunction, or CMD for short, between orthopaedist Dr. Stephan Lückel from Detmold and dentist Dr. Jürgen Benz from Bielefeldt. Craniomandibular dysfunction is a disorder of the temporomandibular joint and its muscles with chronic pain syndrome. There are around 1.4-3.5 million CMD patients in Germany.
Book your appointment now at Z.O.R. am Roggenmarkt online or by calling
on 0251 603-23 or 20251 603-24.